1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Research-Related Activities

Research-Related Activities
UNRISD complements its research projects with a broad palette of outreach and networking activities which serve to leverage complementarities and connections across all programme areas, raise the Institute's visibility and increase the usefulness of our work to stakeholders.

Often designed on shorter time scales than our in-depth research projects, they allow us to respond rapidly and creatively to emerging concerns, topical issues, pressing priorities and specific demands for knowledge-sharing. Research-related activities range from requests for research collaboration to special events and conferences, as well as our regular Seminar Series. They also include large, Institute-wide initiatives such as Flagship Reports. Some examples are listed below.

Additionally, with a new office and work programme in Bonn, Integrating Knowledge and Capacity Development for the SDGs, UNRISD aims to create new interagency collaborations and strengthen research-uptake linkages by integrating knowledge and skills development, making sure our research feeds into training and capacity development activities and is informed by their needs.


Integrating Knowledge and Capacity Development for the SDGs (Bonn Programme)

Policy Innovations for Transformative Social Change: UNRISD Flagship Report 2016

50th Anniversary:
UNRISD Seminar Series

Young Scholars Think Piece Series

Transformative Social Policy Knowledge and Practice Network

Photo credit: UN Photo/Cia Pak.