1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Thank you for your interest in supporting UNRISD.

For over 50 years, UNRISD has been helping people fulfil their development ambitions. We undertake interdisciplinary research in a collaborative way, providing governments, advocates and practitioners with the knowledge to understand and the inspiration to create effective, inclusive development policies and programmes. We are actively seeking financial support from those who share our views and values to enable us to continue and expand our work.

What we believe in

... putting people at the heart of the development process.
... pushing the boundaries of the development project beyond economic growth, towards a broader vision that includes human well-being, equity, sustainability, democratic governance and social justice.
... using robust evidence-based analysis to challenge policies and practices when they have adverse social effects.
... the inclusion of diverse voices, marginalized viewpoints and different forms of knowledge in our shared efforts to make the world a more just place.

What we do

Three research programmes ...

Within the UN system, UNRISD combines a uniquely independent voice with the ability to provide a critical balance to business-as-usual approaches in the areas of Social Policy, Gender and Sustainable Development.

… actively communicated

Our capacity to communicate is central to the impact of UNRISD’s research. We translate academic findings into short, sharp policy messages for users of our research.

How we operate

UNRISD employs a cost-efficient model: a small Geneva-based staff working with a global network of hundreds. Our light institutional structures ensure we remain agile and responsive, providing excellent value for money and a level of productivity that belies our small size.

What you can do

UNRISD does not receive funding from the regular budget of the United Nations. We therefore depend on foundations, bilateral and multilateral donors and individuals for the generous support that enables us to continue providing Research for Social Change.

If you share UNRISD’s values and wish to support our work please contact our Director, Paul Ladd, or our Finance Officer, Alexander Dénis, to discuss further.

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