1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Markets, Business and Regulation (2000 - 2009)

Business-state relations and the role of the market in social development have undergone profound changes in recent decades as a result of policy and institutional changes related to economic liberalization, privatization, commodification, and new approaches to regulation and governance. The implications of these developments for social well-being, equity and democratic governance are profound and are the focus of research under the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) programme on Markets, Business and Regulation.

Work on these issues is organized under the following research areas:
  • Social effects of the privatization of public services
  • Role of business in poverty reduction
  • Social and policy responses to "corporate globalization"
  • Business influence on social policy and development

Work undertaken in each of these areas builds on research completed as part of previous projects including: Business Responsibility for Sustainable Development; Commercialization of Health Care; Global and Local Dynamics and Policy Responses; Commercialization, Privatization and Universal Access to Water.

Accessing project-related information

Information relating to current and completed projects is accessible by clicking on the appropriate link on the right hand side. Under each research project, you will see several links on the right hand side. Clicking on the Publications link will provide a list of published books, papers and reports. Unpublished Papers lists grey material and papers pending publication.

Please click here to access a flyer highlighting some of UNRISD's publications on Corporate Social Responsibility.
