1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Emma Gonzalez

Former Communications and Outreach Intern

Emma Gonzalez joined the Publications and Dissemination unit in October 2008 as an intern. She assisted in media outreach support (national, regional and international media specialist media, and United Nations-specific internal and external media) and website, intranet development at the UNRISD Press Office. She also worked to increase the visibility of UNRISD’s research in academia and civil.
Prior to this, Emma worked in London as a junior reporter for Marketscope Europe, the financial newswire of Standard & Poor’s, covering the Italian Stock Exchange writing movers and analytic commentaries. She has also worked as an intern in the International department for Italy’s media agency, ADNKronos, based in Rome. Emma also collaborated as a correspondent for the Italian on-line regional newspaper, Campaniasuweb. Emma has a degree in Journalism by Universidad Complutense and was awarded with an Erasmus grant to study at Universidad degli Studi di Cassino, Italy. She speaks fluently Spanish, English and Italian.