1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Sarah Blake

Former Communications and Outreach Intern

Sarah Blake joined UNRISD in June 2008 in the Publications and Dissemination unit as an intern. She assisted in media outreach support (national, regional and international media, specialist media, and United Nations-specific internal and external media) and website, intranet development at the UNRISD Press Office. She also worked to increase the visibility of UNRISD’s research in academia and civil society.
Sarah was working then towards a Masters degree in Gender, Development and Globalisation at the London School of Economics and completed her studies in Fall 2008. She holds a Bachelors degree in Religious Studies from Pomona College.

Prior to joining UNRISD, Sarah interned on The People Speak, an initiative of the United Nations Foundation aimed at young people around global issues. Her previous experience also includes assisting in media campaigns to affect policy change at the Communications Consortium Media Center, a public interest media center in Washington, DC and interning in the Cairo office of CEDPA, the Centre for Development and Population Activities.