1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Daniel Messele Balcha

Former Communications and Outreach Intern

Daniel worked as an intern in the Publications and Dissemination unit at UNRISD in July 2009. He previously worked for People in Need in Ethiopia, holding different positions until he left to pursue studies in the Czech Republic in September 2007. During his stay in Ethiopia, he was mainly engaged in educational and social projects, which were targeted towards socially and economically disadvantaged communities. He is also the founding member of Shiny Day Social Services Association, a national NGO in Ethiopia.
Daniel studied English Language and Literature for his undergraduate studies. He holds an MA in Psychology from Addis Ababa University. He also followed additional training in Management and Leadership, Constituency Building, Public International Law, Communication Skills and Psychosocial Support. He was a PhD student of Public and Social Policy at Charles University in Prague at the time of his internship. His research interests included HIV/AIDS, social integration, governance, and civil society.