1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Hye Young (Hailey) Kim

Former Communications and Outreach Intern

Hailey joined the Publications and Dissemination unit in January 2009 as an intern. She assisted in UNRISD website update, media outreach, and information dissemination. She fed the website with new articles and staff profiles, attended the press conferences at the Palais des Nations, made contact with local and international media, wrote and edited news articles and press releases and disseminated upcoming events, vacancies and publications on its networks.
Before coming to UNRISD, Hailey worked at Africa Humanitarian Action (AHA) based in Ethiopia as an Outreach & Communications Officer. While serving at AHA, she was involved in a number of projects including publications from Annual Report to quarterly Newsletters, holiday cards, calendar and book mark, website update, information management, and outreach. She also worked at Search for Common Ground (SFCG), an international conflict transformation non-governmental organization.

She holds a Masters Degree in international affairs from the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University with focusing on Conflict Resolution and International Development.