1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Jenifer Freedman

Chief, Communications and Outreach, Results and Evaluation

As head of the Communications and Outreach team, Jenifer has overall responsibility for the direction and implementation of UNRISD's communications and outreach strategy and policy, as well as the publications, digital media, external visibility and branding of the Institute. She also works closely with research staff to develop programme/project communications strategies, and provides guidance for their implementation and for external communications more generally.

Jenifer also manages the process of reporting to the UNRISD Board, institutional funding partners, and the United Nations Commission for Social Development. This entails writing narrative reports as well as oversight of an institutional results-based management logframe, data collection and analysis, and ensuring that lessons learned from these processes inform and improve UNRISD's activities. When required, she manages external evaluations of the Institute.

She supports the Director on the strategic direction and regular administration and management of the Institute, partnerships and external relations, and oversees the Institute's engagement with International Geneva.

Jenifer joined the Institute as an editorial consultant in 1991. In nearly three decades at UNRISD she has seen the Institute’s communications and outreach aspirations and achievements grow -- to a scale that belies the Institute's size -- with the evolving research programme, the unprecedented opportunities offered by communication technologies and new media, the support of successive UNRISD Directors, and the many creative and talented people who have worked in UNRISD's Publications and Dissemination / Communications and Outreach teams.

Jenifer has a B.A. in Economics and French from Wellesley College, Massachusetts, United States, and a Diplôme d’etudes supérieures in International Relations/Economics from the Graduate Institute for International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland.