1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Megan Blackmore

Former Communications and Outreach Intern

Megan Blackmore worked for UNRISD from April to June 2008 in the Publications and Dissemination unit as an intern. She was currently assisting in media outreach support (national, regional and international media, specialist media, and United Nations-specific internal and external media) and website, intranet development at the UNRISD Press Office. She is also working to increase the visibility of UNRISD’s research in academia and civil society.
Megan holds a Master of Arts in Communications from RMIT University, Melbourne, focusing on media, publishing and cultural studies. During her Master degree she worked as a public relations assistant at the Victoria Law Foundation, a non-profit legal publishing foundation. She also has a Bachelor of Commerce from The University of Melbourne.

Most recently Megan worked as eMarketing Manager at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, where she managed website content and structure as well as analysed web traffic and search engine optimisation. She also works as an independent web strategy consultant. Megan is particularly interested in the web as a dynamic communication tool for non-profit and non-government organisations.