1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Gloria Spezzano

Former Communications and Outreach Intern

Gloria Spezzano joined UNRISD in March 2008 as an intern in the Publications and Dissemination unit. She assisted in media outreach support (national, regional and international media, specialist media, and United Nations-specific internal and external media) and website, intranet development at the UNRISD Press Office. She also worked to increase the visibility of UNRISD’s research in academia and civil society.
Gloria graduated in November 2007 in International Relations at the University of Perugia (Italy). Her Master’s thesis “Takeovers Activity in Eight European Countries from 2002 to 2005: Is Europe going towards Convergence or Divergence?” investigates the role of institutions and regulation on the stock market. In particular, her research focused on the EU regulatory integration process and its outcomes in terms of economic growth and corporate reorganization.

Before starting her internship at UNRISD, Gloria interned at the Italian Embassy in Bratislava, where she cooperated with the economic and political offices. She researched and analysed data on macroeconomics and development policies and edited daily reports for the Italian Foreign Ministry. She also worked at a Swiss NGO for sustainable development and international cooperation, Helvetas, where she was in charge of a social campaign aimed at involving civil society into the efficient use of natural resources.