1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Special Events (2000 - 2009)

The Need to Rethink Development Economics

Date: 7 - 8 Sep 2001

  • Time:
  • Location: Culinam Hotel, 1, Culinam Street, Cape Town, South Africa
  • Donor(s): Ford Foundation
  • Counterpart(s): Ford Foundation (Manuel Montes, Jerry Maldonado)
  • Project Title: Rethinking Development Economics

On 7-8 September 2001, in Cape Town, South Africa, UNRISD and the Ford Foundation held a meeting on the need to rethink development economics. It aimed to contribute to the revival of development economics—not as a "deviant" branch of mainstream economics, but as a subject that can aid our understanding of the acute problems typically faced by developing countries. Participants identified research themes, strategies of influencing policy debates and ways of disseminating new thinking on development.

To find more information about this research project, or to read the issue of UNRISD Conference News about this event, click on Related Information on the right.