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· How can we distinguish a good idea from a great one that bears potential to transform lives throughout the world?
· How can we identify new ways to address old problems?
· How can we collaborate to better understand and impact the changing world around us?
Representatives from
The Rockefeller Foundation will explore these questions and share the organization’s current approach to sourcing and assessing new opportunities to address global development challenges, using the specific examples of urban food insecurity, waste and spoilage in agriculture, and competition for fresh water.
Claudia Juech, Managing Director, and
Rachel Bergenfield, Associate.
Our two speakers are from The Rockefeller Foundation's Strategic Research Department, which works to identify and assess innovative, new opportunities to make transformative impacts on pressing global challenges.
Remote access
We will be tweeting key messages live from the seminar and welcome your comments and questions, which, time permitting, we may be able to put directly to the speaker. Follow us on
This event will be video and audio recorded. If you would like to be notified when the video and the podcast are online, please send an email with
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Photo by Thales via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)