1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Research Agenda

UNRISD’s research programmes for 2021–2025 have been informed by consultations with our broad network of stakeholders, including researchers and practitioners from all regions of the world. They build on research conducted under the previous institutional strategy (2016-2020), and have evolved in light of a changing global development context and new priorities. All programmes seek to support transformative change that advances social and sustainable development, with particular attention paid to the importance of inclusion, institutions, intersections and innovations. Tackling the root causes of inequalities is a cross-cutting objective of all the research programmes. Furthermore, each programme in its own way brings insight to the development of a new eco-social contract—represented in societal compacts that are inclusive of all people, guarantee their participation, and advance social development within the natural boundaries provided by our planet and its ecosystems. All programmes, finally, will be driven by perspectives from the global South, seeking innovations that replace business as usual, and grounded in an understanding of the politics of change.

Read UNRISD Strategy 2021–2025: Overcoming Inequalities: Towards a New Eco-social Contract