1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Annual Reports & Evaluations

Biennial Reporting to the UN Commission for Social Development

UNRISD reports biennially to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Commission for Social Development. These reports are available in the UN's six official languages.

Annual Reports

UNRISD reports annually to its Board and institutional funding partners.


Evaluations were carried out in 1991 (Sida, covering 1988–1990); 1997 (Sida, covering 1991–1996); 2002 (DIFD mid-term evaluation, covering 1999–2001); 2006 (Sida and other Nordic donors, covering 1996–2005); 2007 (EU end-of-project evaluation of UNRISD’s Contribution to Beijing+10); 2012 (Sida Mid-Term Review, covering 2011-2012); and 2013–2014 (DFID with Sida, covering April 2008-March 2013). Selected evaluations are available below.