1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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About Events

UNRISD hosts international conferences that attract a large number of participants from the United Nations and its specialized agencies, governments, non-governmental organizations, universities and research institutes, as well as the general public. Such international conferences may relate to a specific UNRISD project, or may be special events.

Special Events allow the Institute to respond to special requests for collaboration, or to take up new challenges to contribute to the development debate.

Many of UNRISD’s international conferences and special events are open to the public.

UNRISD also organizes national workshops in countries where research is carried out. These workshops bring together researchers, local and national decision makers, non-governmental organizations and other groups. They aim to feed research results into decision-making processes and to inform a range of interlocutors of work being carried out by UNRISD research teams.

This section of the site provides information about both public and non-public events. Online registration is available for public conferences and events that are scheduled for future dates. All necessary information will be found on the pages for these conferences and events.