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Back | Programme Area: Identities, Conflict and Cohesion (2000 - 2009) | Event: Racism and Public Policy Conference

Racism and Public Policy Conference

  • Date: 3 - 5 Sep 2001
  • Location: Durban, South Africa
  • Speakers: Alexandra Pero, Amina Mama, Angela King, Antonio Guimaraes, Benjamin Bowling, Bernard Magubane, Boo Teik Khoo, Diego Iturralde, Frene Ginwala, George Fredrickson, Glenn Loury, Guy Mhone, Hajo Funke, Hans-Georg Betz, Jane Bennett, Jeroen Doomernik, Jomo Sundaram, Kum Kum Bhavnani, Kwesi Prah, Lee Swepston, Lily Rahim, Manning Marable, Marcia Langton, Marisol de la Cadena, Mark Suzman, Mary Robinson, Neville Alexander, Njabulo Ndebele, Peter Schatzer, Pierre Sané, Ralph Premdas, Ray Jureidini, Renosi Mokate, Robert Bullard, Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Sam Moyo, Sheldon Danziger, Thandika Mkandawire, Tom Lodge, Tracey Mcintosh, Vernellia Randall, Vijay Prashad
  • Project Title: Racism and Public Policy

Monday 3rd September 2001

Durban Exhibition Centre

>> Opening Session

• Welcome remarks and introduction:
Thandika Mkandawire, Director UNRISD

• Opening address:
Mary Robinson, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

• Keynote address:
Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Professor of Sociology, El Colegio de Mexico

>> Theme One: The Social Construction of Race and Citizenship

Session One: Race, Caste and Citizenship

• Chair: Njabulo Ndebele, Vice-Chancellor, University of Cape Town

• George Fredrickson, The Social Construction of Race and Citizenship in the United States

• Bernard Magubane, The Social Construction of Race and Citizenship in South Africa

• Vijay Prashad, Cataracts of Silence: Race on the Edge of Indian Thought

Session Two: Minorities, Indigenous Peoples and Citizenship

• Chair: Angela King, Assistant Secretary-General, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs

• Marisol de la Cadena, The Racial Politics of Culture and Silent Racism in Latin America: A Case Study of Peru

• Lily Zubaida Rahim, Race, Discrimination and Citizenship in South East Asia

• Kwesi Prah, Race, Discrimination and Citizenship in the Afro-Arab Borderlands

>> Theme Two: The Social Dynamics of Racism and Inequalities

Session Three: Economic Change, Inequalities and Race Relations

• Chair: Mark Suzman, Policy Advisor, UN Development Programme

• Sheldon Danziger, Deborah Reed, Tony N. Brown, Poverty and Prosperity: Have Racial/Ethnic Minorities Been Left Behind in the United States?

• Khoo Boo Teik, Economic Crisis and the Politics of Race Relations in South East Asia

• Guy Mhone, Labour Market Segmentation and Race Relations in Southern Africa

Session Four: Land Distribution and Race Relations

• Chair: Lee Swepston, Chief, Equality and Employment Branch, International Labour Organization

• Sam Moyo, Land Distribution and the Politics of Race Relations in Southern Africa

• Diego Iturralde, Land Distribution and the Politics of Race Relations in Latin America

• Marcia Langton, Land and the Politics of Race Relations in Australia