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Back | Programme Area: The Social Effects of Globalization | Event: Globalization and Citizenship

Globalization and Citizenship

  • Date: 9 - 11 Dec 1996
  • Location: Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Speakers: Dharam Ghai, Mike Salvaris, Anthony Giddens, Johan Galtung, Richard Falk, Yash Ghai, Alain Touraine, Eddy Lee, Karl Eric Knutsson, Gita Sen, Elizabeth Jelin, Bengt Säve-Söderbergh, Yusuf Bangura, Rehman Sobhan, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Charles Reilly, Peter Utting, Mike Salvaris, Sir Shridath Ramphal, Mats Karlsson, Ajit Singh, Hazel Henderson, E.V.K. FitzGerald, Rajamoorthy, Alastair Davidson, Rehman Sobhan, Daniele Archibugi
  • Project Title: Globalization and Citizenship

Wednesday 11 December 1996

>> Opening Session

Opening statement: Dharam Ghai (UNRISD)

Keynote addresses:
*Globalization and Citizenship: Political Institutions and Civil Society
Speaker: Sir Shridath Ramphal (Commission on Global Governance)

*Globalization and Citizenship: Social and Economic Dimensions
Speaker: Mats Karlsson (Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs)

Half hour of general discussion

>> A Roundtable on Citizenship and the International Economic System
Chairperson: Jean-François Giovannini (Swiss Development Cooperation, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs)

* Governance of the global economy
Speaker: Ajit Singh (University of Cambridge)

* Transnational corporations and global citizenship
Speaker: Hazel Henderson (Global futurist)

* Rethinking development assistance
Speaker: E.V.K. FitzGerald (University of Oxford)

* The civil society perspective
Speaker: T. Rajamoorthy (Third World Network)

Half hour of general discussion

>> A Roundtable on Expanding the Boundaries of Citizenship
Chairperson: Dharam Ghai (UNRISD)

* Citizenship and regional integration: The experience of the European Union
Speaker: Alastair Davidson (Swinburne University of Technology)

* Perspective from the Third World
Speaker: Rehman Sobhan (Centre for Policy Dialogue)

* The United Nations and global restructuring
Speaker: Daniele Archibugi (Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche)

* Position of the South Centre
Speaker: Branislav Gosovic (South Centre)

One hour of general discussion