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Back | Programme Area: Governance (2000 - 2009) | Event: International Conference on Ethnic Inequality and Public Sector Governance

International Conference on Ethnic Inequality and Public Sector Governance

Thursday 25 March 2004

9.30 - 10.30 Opening Session

>> Welcome Remarks
Thandika Mkandawire, UNRISD Director
Gabriele Köhler, UNDP Resident Representative in Latvia
(To be confirmed) Latvian Minister for Foreign Affairs

>> An overview of research issues and policy implications – Yusuf Bangura, UNRISD Project Co-ordinator

10.30 – 10.50 BREAK

10.50 - 12.30 Session 1: Inequality and Public Sector Governance Unipolar Ethnic Settings: Botswana and Lithuania

Chair – Renata Desallien, UNDPResident Representative Bhutan
Speakers – Onalenna Selolwane and Natalija Kasatkina
Discussant – Ralph Premdas

Presentation followed by a general discussion

12.30 – 14.00 LUNCH BREAK

14.00 - 15.45 Session Two: Inequality and Public Sector Governance in Bipolar Ethnic Settings: Fiji and Trinidad and Tobago

Chair – Max Ooft, Assistant Resident Representative, UNDP Sub-Office Suriname
Speakers – Jonathan Fraenkel and Ralph Premdas
Discussant – Khoo Boo Teik

Presentation followed by a general discussion

15.45 – 16.05 BREAK

16.05 - 18.30 Session Three: Inequality and Public Sector Governance in Bipolar Ethnic settings: Latvia and Belgium

Chair – Mark McGillivray, Senior Research Fellow/Project Director, WIDER
Speakers – Artis Pabriks and Kris Deschouwer
Discussant – Wolf Linder

Presentation followed by a general discussion

18.30 Reception hosted by UNDP Resident Representative at UN House, Pils iela 21 - All conference participants are welcome.