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Back | Programme Area: Governance (2000 - 2009) | Event: What Choices Do Democracies Have in Globalizing Economies?

What Choices Do Democracies Have in Globalizing Economies?

  • Date: 27 - 28 Apr 2000
  • Location: Palais des Nations, Room XVI, Geneva
  • Speakers: Attila Agh, Francis Akindes, Björn Beckman, Wiseman Chirwa, Javier Corrales, Robert Elgie, Richard Joseph, Junko Kato, Maureen Makintosh, Sylvia Maxfield, Pratap Mehta, Veronica Montecinos, Abdul Raufu Mustapha, Robert O'Brien, Doh Shin, Patricio Silva, Peter Pendersen, Ole Therkildsen
  • Project Title: Technocratic Policy Making and Democratization

Keynote Speech on "Globalization, Economic Policymaking and Democratization", by Sylvia Maxfield

So far the democratic governments of Latin America and Asia have survived the financial crises of the 1990s, but is the uncontrolled swirling of international capital sowing seeds of widespread political crisis for young democracies? The volatility of financial flows can suddenly, even unexpectedly, force changes in economic policy and possibly compromise political stability, especially in fledgling democracies. Over the longer term governments may find themselves perennially caught between socially beneficial policies preferred by voters and capital-friendly measures demanded by footloose global investors.

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