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Back | Programme Area: The Social Effects of Globalization | Event: Globalization and Citizenship

Globalization and Citizenship

  • Date: 9 - 11 Dec 1996
  • Location: Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Speakers: Dharam Ghai, Mike Salvaris, Anthony Giddens, Johan Galtung, Richard Falk, Yash Ghai, Alain Touraine, Eddy Lee, Karl Eric Knutsson, Gita Sen, Elizabeth Jelin, Bengt Säve-Söderbergh, Yusuf Bangura, Rehman Sobhan, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Charles Reilly, Peter Utting, Mike Salvaris, Sir Shridath Ramphal, Mats Karlsson, Ajit Singh, Hazel Henderson, E.V.K. FitzGerald, Rajamoorthy, Alastair Davidson, Rehman Sobhan, Daniele Archibugi
  • Project Title: Globalization and Citizenship

Tuesday 10 December 1996

>> Session Two (continued): Global Standards and their Enforcement in Different Cultural and Political Contexts
Chairperson: Aleya El-Bindari Hammad (Health Policy in Development, World Health Organization)

* Political economy of labour standards
Speaker: Eddy Lee (International Labour Organization)
Discussant: Hans Engelberts (Public Services International)

* The rights of children
Speaker: Karl Eric Knutsson (Stockholm University)
Discussant: Roberto Toscano (Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations)

Half hour of general discussion

* Health and reproductive rights
Speaker: Gita Sen (Indian Institute of Management)
Discussant: Jane Cottingham (World Health Organization)

Half hour of general discussion

* Global environmental citizenship
Speaker: Elizabeth Jelin (CONICET)
Discussant: Kevin J. Lyonette (Sustainable Development Services)

Half hour of general discussion

>> Session Three: A Roundtable on Strengthening the Institutions of Democracy
Chairperson: Bengt Säve-Söderbergh (International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance)

*A global perspective
Speaker: Bengt Säve-Söderbergh (International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance)

* Regional perspectives:
Africa - Yusuf Bangura (UNRISD)
Asia - Rehman Sobhan (Centre for Policy Dialogue)
Middle East - Saad Eddin Ibrahim (Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies)
Latin America - Charles Reilly (Inter-American Development Bank)

One hour of general discussion

>> Session Four: Future Research Priorities
Chairperson: Dharam Ghai (UNRISD)

Opening statements: Peter Utting (UNRISD) & Mike Salvaris (Swinburne University of Technology)

One hour of general discussion