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Back | Programme Area: Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development | Event: Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy

Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy

Conference presentations, draft papers, podcasts and videos

The list below includes links to speeches, presentations, draft papers podcasts and videos for the UNRISD conference on Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy. The list also includes a report in French of the NGLS session on Alternative Finance and Complementary Currencies.

Opening Session
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Opening and Introductory RemarksSarah Cook□ Opening Remarks
Opening RemarksGuy Ryder□ Opening Remarks
La Presencia de la Economía Social y solidaria (ESS) y su Institucionalización en América Latina José Luis Coraggio
The Social and Solidarity Economy: A Theoretical and Plural FrameworkJean-Louis Laville □ Paper

Session 1: Conceptualizing SSE
Towards an Epistemological Foundation for Social and Solidarity Economy Anup Dash
Rethinking the Social and Solidarity Economy in Light of Community PracticeBlanca Lemus and David Barkin
Prometheus, Trojan Horse or Frankenstein? The Social and Solidarity Economy as Community Creation, Market Wedge, or State MonsterJohn-Justin McMurtry
Solidarity Economy as Part of Popular Security Enhancing Practices: A Neo-Polanyian Conceptual FrameworkIsabelle Hillenkamp, Frédéric Lapeyre and Andreia Lemaître
Social and Solidarity Economy: Between Emancipation and ReproductionJoana S. Marques
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Session 2: SSE, Welfare Regimes and Social Service Provisioning
Taking Solidarity Seriously: Analyzing Kudumbashree as a Women’s Social and Solidarity Economy ExperimentAnanya Mukherjee-Reed and Darryl Reed
Paradoxes of Social EntrepreneurshipGolam Sarwar
State and SSE Partnerships in Social Policy: Recent Trends and Implications for a New ‘Welfare Mix’ in UruguayCecilia Rossel
Social and Solidarity Economy as Main Actor of the Extension of Social Protection in Health in Africa?Bénédicte Fonteneau
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Session 3: SSE and Local Development
Development as a Key Aspect in Rebuilding Solidarity-Driven Local Economies in the Aftermath of Thirty Years of Destructive Local NeoliberalismMilford Bateman
Monnaie Complémentaire versus Microcrédit Solidaire et Tontines: Contribution Comparée à un Développement Solidaire LocalJean-Michel Servet
Understanding Social and Solidarity Economy in Emergent Communities: Lessons from Post–Fast Track Land Reform Farms in Mazowe, ZimbabweManase Kudzai Chiweshe
Les Monnaies Sociales et Complémentaires dans les Dynamiques Territoriales: Potentialités, Impacts, Limites et PerspectivesMarie Fare
Scaling Up: Interactions, Challenges, and Opportunities for SSE in the PhilippinesMichael P. Canares
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Session 4: SSE, Public Policy and Law
Evaluating the Formation of Enabling Public Policy for the Social and Solidarity Economy from a Comparative Perspective: The Effectiveness of Collaborative Processes or the Co-Construction of Public PolicyMarguerite Mendell and Béatrice Alain
Estrategias de Supervivencia y Elaboración de Políticas Públicas: El Papel de la Economía Social y Solidaria en Latinoamérica y la Contribución De Brasil hacia la Construcción de Políticas EmancipadorasLeandro Pereira Morais
Regional Policy Frameworks of Social Solidarity Economy in South AmericaMarcelo Saguier and Zoe Brent
Enabling Agricultural Cooperatives through Public Policy and the State: The Case of UgandaJustine Nannyonjo
Cooperative Law and Sustainable Development: Match or Mismatch?Hagen Henrÿ
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Session 5: SSE and Gender Dynamics
Beyond the Business Case: A Community Economies Approach to Gender, Development and Social EconomySuzanne Bergeron and Stephen Healy
The Power of Numbers: Shared Interests, Critical Mass and the Effectiveness of Women’s Participation in South AsiaBina Agarwal
State, Civil Society and Expanding Social and Solidarity Economy among Informal Sector Women in EthiopiaLyn Ossome
Collective Action, Gender Dynamics and the Constraints for Scaling Up Women Initiatives in Rural Mexico: The Case of "El Color de la Tierra", An Indigenous Collective Initiative in Western MexicoCarolina Contreras Arias, Corinne A. Pernet, Stephan Rist
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Session 6: Political Economy of SSE and Collective Action
Potential and Challenges of SSE Initiatives for Informal Street Trade: A Case Study of Two Indian CitiesNeetu Choudhary
The Hidden Side of SSE: Social Movements and the "Translation" of SSE into Policy (Latin America)Ana Cecilia Dinerstein
Challenges for the Sustainability of SSE: The Interaction Between Popular Economy, Social Movements and Public Policies—A Case Study of the Global Alliance of Waste PickersAngelique van Zeeland
The Potential and Limits of Farmers’ Groups as Catalysts of Rural DevelopmentRoldan Muradian
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Session 7: Scaling Up through the Market
The Potential of Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations to Complement or Replace Publicly Traded Companies in the Provision of Goods and ServicesCarina Millstone
Balancing Growth and Solidarity in the Argentine Community Currency Systems (Trueque)Georgina Gómez
Embeddedness and the Dynamics of Growth: The Case of Amul Cooperative, India Abhijit Ghosh
The Rise of Fair Trade: Opportunities, Tensions and UncertaintiesDarryl Reed
Cooperation, Association and Solidarity in International Finance? Forms of Social Solidarity Investment in Microfinance Paul Nelson
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Session 8: SSE, Resilience and Sustainability
La Consolidación de las Iniciativas de Economía Social y Solidaria: Alcances y Desafíos de Procesos de Recuperación de Empresas de ArgentinaMaría Victoria Deux Marzi
Citizen Strategizing Amid a Solidarity Economy in Cameroon: Are Village Development Associations Resilient?Che Charles Fonchingong
Conceptualizing SSE towards Sustainable Consumption Transitions: Learning across Contexts and Cultures, from Geneva to Manila Marlyne Sahakian and Christophe Dunand
Beyond Alternative Food Networks: An Agenda for Comparative Analysis of Italy’s Solidarity Purchase Groups (SPG) and Districts of Solidarity Economy vis-à-vis US Community Economies Cristina Grasseni, Francesca Forno and Silvana Signori
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Closing Session
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Closing Plenary RemarksDarryl Reed
Priorities for Research, Policy and ActionBen Quiñones
Solidarity EconomyEmily Kawano

Special Session on Alternative Finance and Complementary Currencies
Social Currency for Common Goods: The Case of the Palmas CurrencyCamille Meyer
Solidarity Finance and Public Policy: The Brazilian Experience of Community Development BanksAugusto Câmara Neiva, Juliana Braz, Joaquim Melo, Diogo Jamra Tsukumo
Complementary Currencies Strengthening the Social and Solidarity Economy: Case Studies from KenyaWilliam O. Ruddick and Lucero Mariani
Validating Complementary and Community Currencies as an Efficient Tool for Social and Solidarity Economy Networking and Development: The Deployment of Theory of Change Approach and Evaluation Standards for their Impact AssessmentLeander Bindewald, Maria Nginamau and Christophe Place
The New Frontier in Payment Systems: Virtual Currency Schemes, the C3 Uruguay case and the Potential Impact on SSEMarco Sachy
Tumin, Pesos, or Wealth? Limits and Possibilities of a Local Alternative to Scarcity of Money and Abundance of RichnessMarcela Orraca and Maria José Orraca
Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS) as a Response to Economic Crisis: The Case of GreeceEleni Thanou, George Theodossiou and Dimitris Kallivokas
Finance alternative et monnaies complémentaires, Compte-rendu de la session special organisée par UN-NGLS Tristan Dissaux