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Back | Programme Area: Governance (2000 - 2009) | Event: International Conference on Ethnic Inequality and Public Sector Governance

International Conference on Ethnic Inequality and Public Sector Governance

Friday 26 March 2004

9.00 - 10.40 Session Four: Inequality and Governance of the Public Sector in Tripolar Ethnic Settings: Bosnia and Switzerland

Chair – Falk Lange, Senior Advisor, Office of the High Commissioner on National Minorities, OSCE
Speakers – Florian Bieber and Wolf Linder
Discussant – Kris Deschouwer

Presentation followed by a general discussion

10.40 – 11.00 BREAK

11.00 - 12.40 Session Five: Inequality and Governance of the Public Sector in Tripolar Ethnic Settings: Nigeria and Malaysia

Chair – Artjon Shkurtaj, Public Administration Officer, DESA, Advisory Services
Speakers – Abdul Raufu Mustapha and Khoo Boo Teik
Discussant – Niraja Gopal Jayal

Presentation followed by a general discussion

12.40 – 14.10 LUNCH
14.10 - 15.50 Session Six: Inequality and Public Sector Governance in Concentrated Multipolar Ethnic Settings: Ghana and Kenya

Chair – Jean Mfasoni, Political Affairs Director, African Union
Speakers: Richard Asante and Karuti Kanyinga
Discussant: Onalenna Selolwane

Presentation followed by a general discussion

15.50 –16.10 BREAK

16.10 - 18.15 Session Seven: Inequality and Public Sector Governance in Fragmented Multipolar Ethnic Settings: India, Papua New Guinea and Tanzania

Chair – Gay Rosenblum-Kumar, Public Administration Officer, DESA Advisory Services
Speakers – Niraja Gopal Jayal, Ray Anere and Julius Nyangoro
Discussant – Karuti Kanyinga

Presentation followed by a general discussion