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Back | Programme Area: Markets, Business and Regulation (2000 - 2009) | Event: Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Development

Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Development

  • Date: 15 Aug 2006
  • Location: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
  • Speakers: Søren Petersen, Darryl Reed, Ananya Reed, Peter Utting, Ann Zammit, Uwafiokun Idemudia, Shaheen Rafi Khan, Sofie Michaelsen
  • Project Title: Business and Poverty Reduction

Speaker Biogs

Ananya Mukherjee Reed, York University, Canada
Ananya Mukherjee Reed is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, York University in Toronto. Currently, she is also the Director of the International Secretariat for Human Development (ISHD), an international initiative located at York University for conducting research and training related to human development. In this capacity, she is directing several projects supported by various UN agencies as well as Canadian organizations such as the International Development Research Center (IDRC). While the bulk of her research focuses on the relationship between corporate capital and development, she has extensive practical experience in issues related to basic education, health and income generation amongst some of the most disadvantaged communities in India.

Key Publications:
- Mukherjee Reed, A., “On Governance and Development: Examining the Problematic Role of Corporate Profit Strategies” in Darryl Reed et al (ed.) Corporate Governance, Economic Reforms and Development (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003).
- Mukherjee Reed, A., (edited) Corporate Capitalism in Contemporary South Asia, Macmillan-Palgrave UK (2003).
- Mukherjee Reed, A., Perspectives on India’s Corporate Economy; Exploring The Paradox of Profits, Macmillan-Palgrave, UK (2001).

Ali Shahrukh Pracha, Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Pakistan
Ali Shahrukh is co-coordinator of SDPI’s State-of-the-Environment Project. He has undertaken fieldwork in a variety of localities throughout Pakistan, and particularly interacted with cotton farmers in Multan, Bahawalpur, Dera Gazi Khan, and Rajanpur.

Key Publications
- Pracha, AS., et al. The Quest for Sustainable Forest Management: Exploring Public-Private Partnerships in the Forestry Sector in Pakistan, Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad, 2006.
- Pracha, AS et al, ‘State of the Environment for Pakistan’, Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad, 2006 (Work-in-Progress).

Darryl Reed, York University, Canada
He has a wide range of research interests in the field of Business and Society, including corporate governance, community economic development, business ethics and development ethics. He has published in a number of business and economic ethics journals including the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business and Society, Business Ethics: A European Review, and the International Journal of Social Economics. He also sits on the editorial board of several journals in the field.

Key Publications:
- Reed, D., Universities and Corporate Responsibility, Journal of Academic Ethics 2 (1), 2004.
- Reed, D., Resource Extraction Industries in the Developing World, Journal of Business Ethics, 39 (3) September 2002.
- Reed, D., Three Historical Models of Corporate Governance: An Examination of Corporate Economic Responsibility in India, Calcutta: Indian Institute of Management, 1998.

Peter Utting, Deputy Director, UNRISD, Geneva
Peter Utting specializes in research on corporate social responsibility, business regulation and sustainable development. He coordinates UNRISD projects in these areas and has been responsible for overseeing the preparation of several of the Institute's flagship reports. At UNRISD he has also coordinated projects on rebuilding war-torn societies and participatory approaches to natural resource management and conservation.

Key Publications:
- Utting, P., Rethinking Business Regulation: From Self-Regulation to Social Control, UNRISD Programme Paper TBS-15, October 2005.
- Utting, P., Corporate Responsibility and the Movement of Business, Development in Practice, Volume 15, June 2005.
- Utting, P., Promoting Development through Corporate Social Responsibility: Does it work?, Global Future, Third Quarter, 2003.

Idemudia Uwafiokun, Department of Geography, University of Lancaster
Uwafiokun has a B.Sc (Hons) Biological Science (plant biology and ecology) from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. He also holds a Masters degree in Diplomatic studies with International Relations from the University of Westminster, in the United Kingdom. He is currently conducting PhD research in Geography, at Lancaster University. His research interests include environmental development, political ecology, conflict, security and peace studies.

Key Publications
- Uwafiokun Idemudia, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Development: Moving Beyond Dogmatic Positions and CSR Orthodoxies, Oxford Development Studies (Under Review)
- Uwafiokun Idemudia and Uwem E. Ite, Demystifying the Niger Delta Conflict – Towards an Integrated Explanation, Forthcoming in Review of African Political Economy.
- Uwafiokun Idemudia and Uwem E. Ite, Corporate-Community Relations in Nigeria's Oil Industry: Challenges and Imperatives, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,
Volume 13, Issue 4, September 2006.

Ann Zammit, Consultant, UNRISD, Geneva
Ann Zammit has extensive experience as consultant for international organizations (the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United Nations and the Organization of American States) and as a university lecturer and researcher in the United Kingdom and in Chile. She has also been a development journalist and helped establish the International Broadcasting Trust, a non-profit film production company. She has worked for the Geneva-based South Centre, an inter-governmental organization of developing countries.

Key Publications:
- Zammit A., Chung J., Kang I. & Cho H., Korea's Miracle and Crisis: What Was In It for Women?, in Razavi S., Pearson R. & Danloy C. (eds), Globalization, Export-oriented Employment and Social Policy: Gendered Connections, Palgrave, Houndmills 2004.
- Zammit, A., Development at Risk: Rethinking UN-Business Partnerships, UNRISD/South Centre, Geneva, December 2003.
- Zammit A. & Singh A., The Global Labour Standards Controversy. Critical Issues for Developing Countries, South Centre, Geneva, 2000.