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Back | Programme Area: The Social Effects of Globalization | Event: After the Social Summit: Implementing the Programme of Action

After the Social Summit: Implementing the Programme of Action

  • Date: 4 Jul 1995
  • Location: Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Speakers: Dharam Ghai, Juan Somavía, Richard Jolly, Jack Martin, Aleya El Bindari-Hammad, Yogesh Atal, Dan Frederiksen, Sadig Rasheed, María Onestini, Jean-François Giovannini, Knud Vilby, Martin Khor
  • Project Title: Social Development and Public Policy

Tuesday, 4 July 1995

>> Opening Session — Follow-Up To Copenhagen: Challenge And Response

Opening statement: Dharam Ghai (Director, UNRISD, Geneva)

Keynote address: Juan Somavía (Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations; former Chairman, Preparatory Committee of the World Summit for Social Development, New York)

>> Session I — United Nations Agency Responses to the Summit

Chairperson: Anders Wijkman (Associate Administrator and Director, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP, New York)

Richard Jolly (Deputy Executive Director, Programmes, UNICEF, New York)
Jack Martin (Assistant Director-General, ILO, Geneva)
Aleya El Bindari-Hammad (Special Representative of the Director-General for Health Policy, WHO, Geneva)
Yogesh Atal (Director, Co-ordinating Unit for the World Summit for Social Development, UNESCO, Paris)

Presentations followed by a general discussion.

>> Session II — Government and NGO Responses to the Summit

Chairperson: Jacques Baudot (Director, Division for Social Policy and Development, Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development, United Nations, New York)

Dan Frederiksen (Deputy Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen)
Sadig Rasheed (Director of Public Administration, Human Resources and Social Development Division, Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa)
María Onestini (Co-Director, Programme of Activities for the Social Summit, CLACSO, Buenos Aires)
Jean-François Giovannini (Deputy Director, Swiss Development Cooperation, Berne)
Knud Vilby (Chairman, Danish Association for International Co-operation, Copenhagen)
Martin Khor (Director, Third World Network, Penang)

Presentations followed by a general discussion.