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Back | Programme Area: Technology and Society (2000 - 2009) | Event: Information Technologies and Social Development Conference

Information Technologies and Social Development Conference

Monday, 22 June 1998

>> Opening Session

Welcoming remarks, Thandika Mkandawire, Director, UNRISD
Introduction to the conference, Cynthia Hewitt de Alcántara, Deputy Director, UNRISD

>> Session One: The social implications of new information and communication technologies in the developing world

Chairperson: Gertjan Storm, Deputy Director-General for International Co-operation, The Netherlands

Paper: Possibilities for Development in the Information Age: Information Technology, Globalization and Social Development, by Manuel Castells, University of California, Berkeley

Panel discussion:
Jesús Banegas Núñez, AMPER, Madrid
Hans d'Orville, UNDP
Swasti Mitter, UNU/INTECH


>> Session Two: National information infrastructures and strategies: The policy context in Third World or transitional settings

Chairperson: Robin Mansell, IDS/SPRU, Sussex

Paper: IT Strategies in Malaysia: The Multimedia Super Corridor, by Mustafa Anuar and Zaharom Nain, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Paper: The Possibilities and Pitfalls of Harnessing ICTs to Accelerate Social Development: A South African Perspective, by Neil Butcher, South African Institute for Distance Education


>> Session Two (continued): The international policy context

Chairperson: Anders Wijkman, Foreign Ministry, Sweden

Paper: International Regulatory Issues, by Cees Hamelink, University of Amsterdam

Panel discussion:
Tim Kelly, ITU
Heather Budge-Reid, PANOS