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Back | Programme Area: Technology and Society (2000 - 2009) | Event: Information Technologies and Social Development Conference

Information Technologies and Social Development Conference

Tuesday, 23 June 1998

>> Session Three: Technological change and livelihood: Some local experiences

Chairperson: Kate Wild, IDRC/Acacia

Panel discussion:
Scott Robinson, Universidad Metropolitana, Mexico
Syed Hashemi, Grameen Trust, Bangladesh
Arnaud Ventura, PlaNetBank
Tom Baloyi, Soweto Technology Centre
Colman Ferrer, CEE, Cuba


>> Session Four: Information technology, democratization and social movements

Chairperson: Ann Florini, Carnegie Endowment for Peace

Paper: Mapping Russian Cyberspace: Reflections on Democracy and the Net, by Rafal Rohozinski, Cambridge University

Paper: POWER@GRASSROOTS.ORG. Delivery Error: User Unknown, by Francois Fortier, York University, Toronto

Discussant: Loe Schout, Hivos, The Netherlands


>> Session Five: Closing session

Chairperson: Hans d'Orville, UNDP

Interactive Roundtable

>> Closing remarks

Thandika Mkandawire, Director, UNRISD