1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Participates in Special Technical Panel for Ministerial Meeting in Timor-Leste

13 May 2015

UNRISD Participates in Special Technical Panel for Ministerial Meeting in Timor-Leste
UNRISD Research Coordinator Ilcheong Yi attended the 13th Meeting of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs. This year’s meeting, entitled The Extension of Social Protection to All and Relations with the Labour Market, Promoting Development and the Fight against Poverty, was held on 27 April-1 May in Timor-Leste. The country currently holds the biennial presidency of the CPLP.

Ilcheong was invited to take part in the Specialized Technical Panel on Poverty, Social Protection and Labour Markets, with Owais Parray from ILO, who presented on active labour market policies. The panel, the first of its kind at a CPLP meeting, aimed to enhance discussion among representatives and articulate new, informed and broadened perceptions relating to labour and social policies, particularly relevant to Timor-Leste as a newly formed state. Ilcheong made two presentations entitled "Social Protection, Social Security and Labour Policies" and "Welfare, Poverty and Inequality: Preventing and Combating Poverty and Inequality". These presentations proposed alternative strategies for tackling poverty and achieving social development, supported by evidence from UNRISD research. Among the key messages was that social policy is a transformative and productive force that should be recognized as a key instrument in enhancing macroeconomic and industrial policy.

The meeting was attended by labour and welfare ministers from nine Portuguese-speaking member states from across the globe and six observer states. It provided the space for a rich and diverse discussion on social policy and development issues, as well as an excellent opportunity for UNRISD to share its work and perspectives.

UNRISD’s approach to inequality and poverty, as well as the Institute’s comprehensive understanding of social policy, social protection and social security, garnered considerable interest from the CPLP country representatives. The event also opened up new opportunities for future engagement and information sharing with Lusophone countries, particularly in newly independent Timor-Leste.

Image taken from www.hojelusofonia.com.