1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Research Coordinator Speaks at World Conference in Brazilia

3 Dec 2010

UNRISD Research Coordinator Ilcheong Yi will speak at the World Conference on the Development of Universal Social Security Systems on 3 December in the Master Auditorium of the UG Convention Centre in Brazilia, Brazil. Yi’s presentation, "Universalism Revisited: An Organizing Principle of Social Reform" will take place during Thematic Block II, entitled “Challenges to Reach the Universalization of Social Security”.

Organized by the Brazilian Government, the conference will discuss an international agenda that would assure universal social security rights, drawing on Brazil’s experience with social security. The conference also aims to define the role of universal social security systems in countries’ economic and social development within the context of poverty eradication and equity.

Panelists in the conference include Armando Barrientos of the University of Manchester, UK; Ivanete Boschetti of the University of Brasília, Brazil; Francisco Júnior of the National Health Council (CNS), Brazil; Marcio Pochmann of the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), Brazil; Helmut Schwarzer of the International Labour Organization (ILO); Aldaíza Sposati of the Pontifical Catholic University, Brazil; and Guy Standing of the University of Bath, UK. Delegates from numerous countries as well as members of Brazilian ministries, councils, unions and organizations will be present at the conference.

The first ever World Conference on the Development of Universal Social Security Systems will run five days.