1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Launches New Alumni Network

26 Apr 2012

UNRISD Launches New Alumni Network
UNRISD is excited to announce the launch of its new Alumni Network. This new network will enable researchers, activists and policy makers working on similar subjects to forge new connections. It also provides opportunities to rekindle earlier collaborations and share professional work, research ideas, and job and funding opportunities.

The network will bring together current and former collaborating researchers, staff and interns from across the globe, and across disciplines. Our Alumni may have worked with UNRISD on a research project, written a paper or chapter in an UNRISD publication, coordinated a project from the field, spoken at one of our events, served as a member of the Board, or worked as a staff member or intern at our offices in Geneva: UNRISD recognizes that these contributions, which span five decades of research on social development, have formed the basis for the important work the institute does and must continue to do. UNRISD’s Alumni are one of its greatest assets. Through this network we celebrate the important contributions of our Alumni and promote collaboration and networking.

Via this network UNRISD can share its current research work and publications to keep former contributors up-to-date with the latest developments and together inform and contribute to shaping future UNRISD research, activities and publications, as well as guiding new and innovative thinking on the key issues shaping contemporary global development.

Former collaborator, board member, staff member or intern? Join the network


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