1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Seminar on “Social Policies in Small States” at the University of South Pacific in Suva, Fiji

26 Nov 2007

UNRISD Research Co-ordinator, Naren Prasad, presented a paper on “Social Policies in Small States: Human Capital, Social Welfare, and Remittance” at a seminar at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji on 26 November 2007.

A native Fijian himself, Naren is passionate about social development in small states and their role in the international arena. The paper he presented debunks the stereotypical beliefs that small states are doomed to be powerless and vulnerable. Instead, his analysis finds that in many cases, the dedication to investing in human capital leads to a high level of education and health among the population (most small states spend 5% of their national resources on education).

Furthermore, well thought out socio-economic and governance policies allow for a higher success rate for small states implementing development strategies that aim to capitalize on tourism and exports. Small states with good economic policies and strong institutions have a good record of growth and development. The emphasis on human capital reveals just how crucial it is for small states to dedicate their resources to the individuals of their country in order to provide an environment where economic and developmental growth can flourish. Naren Prasad is an expert on small states developmental issues and will be available for interviews either via telephone or in person in Fiji. For further information or to discuss possibilities of an interview, please contact Richard Warren or Julia Gin at UNRISD on +41 (0)22 917 1497.

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