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Call for Expressions of Interest: Politics of Domestic Resource Mobilization for Social Development

24 Oct 2012

Call for Expressions of Interest: Politics of Domestic Resource Mobilization for Social Development
The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) invites expressions of interest from researchers to collaborate in its new research initiative on the politics of domestic resource mobilization for social development.

In the current context of global fiscal austerity and declining aid flows, this project seeks to inform global debates on the political and institutional contexts that enable low-income countries to mobilize domestic resources for social development.

UNRISD invites scholars with a proven track record in research and publication on issues related to domestic resource mobilization, taxation, public finance and governance, aid and political economy, to submit an expression of interest. Countries under consideration include (but are not limited to) Liberia, Uganda and Zimbabwe, and Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

We are accepting expressions of interest from:
  • potential country team coordinators who could lead, and put together, a team of researchers; and
  • individual researchers who would be willing to join country research teams.

Multidisciplinary country research teams will consist of one team leader with up to three supporting researchers. Researchers will normally be based in the country of research, and have extensive expertise on that country; they should hold a PhD and demonstrate relevant experience and publications. Team leaders will have experience in managing and coordinating research projects.

Participating researchers will collaborate in developing a comparative methodology, undertake field work, draft reports and academic outputs, and engage in workshops, conferences, policy dialogues and other communication activities between January 2013 and December 2014.

To read the full project proposal, the project brief, or for more on the project, see www.unrisd.org/pdrm.

To submit your expression of interest (EOI):

Please ensure that you have read the full project proposal before completing the EOI form (click to open). The form includes space for a brief proposal as to how you/your research team would approach the research.

Please send the completed form, along with the following attachments, to pdrm@unrisd.org, using the subject line “EOI submission”:
  • a full CV (including academic record and list of publications); and
  • a sample of a recent single authored piece of academic work on a topic related to this research project.


23.59, Sunday 25 November 2012 (CET).

More on this Call:
  • UNRISD particularly welcomes expressions of interest from women, young researchers and researchers from and based in developing countries.
  • Due to limited staff resources, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
  • If you are not submitting an EOI, but you are interested in participating in other ways, such as conferences, e-dialogues etc., please get in touch.
  • For further information contact Ciara McCorley at mccorley@unrisd.org (+41 22 9171153), or pdrm@unrisd.org.
  • If you would like to circulate the poster advertising this Call (1.3mb), this is available to download from www.unrisd.org/pdrm.


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