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Engage in the global dialogue: Sustaining development gains through inclusive development

14 Feb 2014

Engage in the global dialogue: Sustaining development gains through inclusive development
The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is seeking expert opinions on eradicating poverty and achieving inclusive and sustainable development as part of its 2014 Annual Ministerial Review (AMR) process.

In an e-discussion co-moderated by UNRISD Director Sarah Cook, experts, practitioners and policy makers are encouraged to engage in a global dialogue and discuss specific examples of national policies which have successfully challenged social exclusion. Contributions made by e-discussion participants will be channelled into various parts of the AMR, thus providing ECOSOC with constructive inputs and policy recommendations toward achieving internationally agreed development goals. Sarah Cook's co-moderator is Donald Lee of the International Committee for October 17.

The e-discussion, which is the second of three planned, takes place on 17 February - 2 March 2014 on the theme of Sustaining development gains through inclusive development. The following questions guide the e-discussion:

  • What are specific examples of institutional arrangements, policies or practices that have enhanced inclusive development? What were the key drivers of success in these cases?
  • What factors have exacerbated inequalities or act as obstacles or impediments to inclusion? What lessons can be learnt from continuing disparities in MDG achievement for understanding the obstacles to inclusive development?
  • What specific mechanisms have been useful in broadening and deepening the political, social and economic participation by all, especially those living in poverty or experiencing other forms of exclusion?
  • Can a set of necessary and widely applicable conditions or strategies for fostering social inclusion and citizen engagement be identified? How can such conditions be enabled and enhanced?

To participate, please go to https://www.unteamworks.org/amr2014. Click "Log in" in the top row (if you are not already a member of Teamworks, you have to click “Sign up” first), then click "Join" in the left column.

Contributions can be made in English, French or Spanish and you can attach documents or link to a webpage to support your argument.

The overall e-discussion, Addressing Challenges for Meeting the MDGs and Sustaining Development Gains, takes place from 3 February to 16 March 2014 and is divided into three following Parts:

  • Part I (3-16 February): Facilitators of development progress, including achievement of MDGs
  • Part II (17 February-2 March): Sustaining development gains through inclusive development
  • Part III (3-16 March): Measuring progress in MDG achievement and beyond

Image by Rusty Sheriff via Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)