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New Book: Transforming the Developmental Welfare State in East Asia

4 Feb 2005

Since the economic crisis of 1997, there have been significant social policy reforms in East Asia. Using the concept of the “developmental welfare state”, this book seeks to answer the question as to whether the welfare reforms in East Asia have extended social rights while maintaining developmental credentials.

Edited by Huck-ju Kwon, Transforming the Developmental Welfare State in East Asia explains the way in which shifts in economic strategy have influenced social policy reforms in East Asia. It analyses the political dynamics of social policy in which economic imperatives for social reform were transformed into social policy reform. It also explores to the extent to which particular politics of a country, whether democratic or authoritarian, has determined the course of political reform.

An Overview of the Study: The Developmental Welfare State and Policy Reforms in East Asia, Huck-ju Kwon
Part I: The Politics of Welfare Developmentalism
The Reform of the Developmental Welfare State in Korea: Advocacy Coalitions and Health Politics, Huck-ju Kwon
Democracy, Development and Health Policy in Taiwan, Joseph Wong
The New Politics of Welfare State in Developmental Context: Explaining the 1990s Social Care Expansion in Japan, Ito Peng
Welfare Developmentalism in Singapore and Malaysia, Chua Beng Huat
The Politics of Welfare Developmentalism in Hong Kong, Eliza W.Y. Lee
Part II: The Institutional Dynamics of Welfare Developmentalism
Development Strategies and the Unemployment Policies in Korea, Ilcheong Yi and Byung-Hee Lee
Unemployment and Policy Responses in Taiwan: Gender and Family Implications, Fen-lin Chen
One and a Half Cheers for Provident Funds in Malaysia and Singapore, M. Ramesh
Social Care in Hong Kong: the Dynamics of the Welfare Mix, Veronica Pearson
Part III: Welfare Developmentalism in Formation
China’s Social Policy: Reform in the Context of Marketization and Globalization, Xinpin Guan
Challenges of Implementing Universal Health Care in Thailand, Viroj Tangcharoensathien and Lalita Chanwongpaisarn

Huck-ju Kwon was Research Co-ordinator at UNRISD. He is professor at the Sung Kyun Kwan University of Korea.

Transforming the Welfare State in East Asia is co-published with Palgrave Macmillan, Hardback, ISBN 1-4039-4166-1, GBP 65.00; 354 pages, 2004.

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