1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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New Resource Guide on the Regulation of Corporations

12 Aug 2004

A new Resource Guide reviews a broad range of regulatory initiatives that relate to the social, environmental and human rights responsibilities and regulation of transnational corporations (TNCs). The Guide contains a brief history of TNC regulation, before classifying the initiatives under three main sections. These are: industry self-regulation (such as the Business Charter for Sustainable Development and the Responsible Care Ethic and Codes of Practice); multilateral regulation (which discusses major UN and ILO conventions amongst others that have impacts upon big business); and civil regulation (initiatives such as The Forest Stewardship Council and SA8000). Final sections on national legislation and recent proposals complete the picture.

This Guide will be useful to anyone involved or interested in issues of corporate responsibility and regulation. While new initiatives are proposed every day, this Resource Guide gives a comprehensive overview of the main types of corporate regulation to date. Weblinks for each initiative plus a list of selected references are also provided.

The author, Désirée Abrahams, prepared this report during 2003 and 2004 when she was a Research Assistant at UNRISD.