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Journal of Social Policy review on "Combating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics", UNRISD 2010

25 Oct 2011

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  • Title: The Journal of Social Policy review on "Combating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics", UNRISD 2010
  • Author(S): Gary Craig
  • Date: 1 Oct 2011
  • Publication: The Journal of Social Policy

"This is a very useful sourcebook for those concerned with issues of poverty, inequality and the respective roles of state, market and civil society in promoting worldwide reductions in poverty." According to the reviewer, "Essentially, as the report concludes, it is not just that economic, social and political policies need to be aligned, and that this alignment must be sensitive to local traditions and economic systems, but that social policy and politics are failing to confront or even acknowledge the economic impact of these wider global pressures, which are in no sense pro-poor... Perhaps only when we start to recognise that economic growth is neither a good in itself, nor sustainable in the medium term, will we begin to turn our attention to socially useful production."

The report was reviewed by Gary Craig, Durham University, UK.