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Conference: Social Security in Developing and Newly Industrialized Countries: Utopia of Strategy for Keeping Peace and Fighting Poverty?

14 Sep 2007

  • Authors: Katja Hujo, United Nations Association of Germany in cooperation with GTZ
  • Press Contact: Mary Karauri

UNRISD Research Coordinator Katja Hujo will make a presentation on ‘The impact of social protection on development and poverty reduction’ during an International conference in Berlin, Germany, that will address strategies for keeping peace and fighting poverty in Developing and Newly Industrialized countries. Katja Hujo will also participate as a panelist on the discussion "Enhancing Social Security in Developing Countries: What is necessary? What is feasible?"

The conference will take place on the 18th and 19th of September at the GTZ House Berlin, Reichpietschufer 20, 10785 Berlin


The conference seeks to look at the consequences for the large number of developing countries with high population growth whose poor are often cut off from any social security net. Is there a chance to reduce poverty and strengthen social security in the affected countries by provision of basic social protection?

Facing the challenges of globalization and demographic change, social security systems are increasingly being put under pressure. Fully developed social security systems which are often seen as a luxury by Neoliberalists in affluent countries appear to be not only an asset, but also a political and economic necessity, which contributed to growth and social peace in those countries.

Mr. Robert Czech, bevoelkerung@dgvn.de
