1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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ILO Forum on Decent Work for a Fair Globalization

30 Oct 2007

UNRISD Research Co-ordinator, Katja Hujo, has been invited as a resource person to the International Labour Organization’s Forum on Decent Work for a Fair Globalization, which will take place from 1-2 of November in Lisbon, Portugal. She will be participating in “Session 4: Social Protection Policies for Social Cohesion and Economic Development” as a specialist in financing social policy.

Specifically, the session will be addressing the need for a global strategy for social security, building consensus on the importance of investing in social security, outlining social security as an economic investment, as well as presenting a fiscal strategy for investing in a global social floor.

At the Forum, the focus will be on the analysis and promotion of the Decent Work concept and the Decent Work Agenda as the path towards economic, social, and environmental sustainability to shape a world of fair and inclusive globalization. The phrase, Decent Work, refers to the opportunity for all individuals to have access to productive work in conditions of freedom, equality, security, and dignity. The Decent Work Agenda is the program policy approach to pursue the objectives of productive employment and decent work at the local, national, regional, sectoral, and global levels, and has four pillars: 1. Standards and rights at work, 2. Employment creation and enterprise development, 3. Social protection, and 4. Governance and social dialogue. Broad strategies and specific policy areas will be discussed, with topics including the challenges of skill development, the upgrading of informal economies, migration for work, extending social protection, overcoming disadvantage and discrimination, and ways and means to improve policy coherence amongst international organizations.

This event brings together governments, employers’ organizations, trade unions, intergovernmental institutions, parliamentarians, local authorities, academics, and civil society organizations.

Attendance is by invitation only.