1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Team Presented Findings from the Project on "Social Policies in Small States" at the Conference on "Social Policies for Children's rights" in Barbados.

25 Nov 2008

UNRISD researchers Naren Prasad and Nicola Hypher presented preliminary findings from the project on "Social Policies in Small States" at a conference in Barbados, organized by UNICEF in collaboration with UNRISD, the Commonwealth Secretariat and UNECLAC. The conference on "Social Policies for Children's rights" took place between the 18 and 21 November. It expressed the challenges for children and their families in the Eastern Caribbean region, examined historical policy lessons from social policies in small states and formulated recommendations for social policy prioritization.

Naren Prasad and Nicola Hypher presented the research framework and findings from Malta, Mauritius and the Seychelles. This was followed by an examination of why some small states have been successful and others less so, with a particular focus on the social polices, and policy lessons for other countries.

Several UNRISD external collaborators also presented the findings from their research. Neville Duncan presented on Jamaica and Grenada, Mark Kirton presented on Guyana, Ralph Premdas presented on Barbados and Sandra Sookram presented on Trinidad & Tobago. To bring in lessons on social policies from other countries, Biman Prasad presented on Pacific Island countries in a session chaired by Paresh Narayan.