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Book: Social Development and Public Policy: A Study of Some Successful Experiences

1 Jun 2000

This book shows, through in-depth case-studies, how some relatively low-income countries (and a state within a federation) have made enormous strides in overcoming acute social problems such as adult illiteracy, lack of schooling, high child mortality, rapid population growth, mass poverty and gender inequalities. In some areas—literacy, basic schooling, life expectancy and fertility rates—they have achieved levels of performance comparable with those in the industrialized countries. Their experience is thus of great significance for human development and well-being throughout the world.

With contributions from outstanding scholars, the book analyses the experiences with social development and public policy of Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Indian state of Kerala, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Its distinguishing feature is an attempt to use a common and integrated framework comprising historical, cultural and political economy dimensions. The overview chapter draws lessons from their experiences and evaluates their relevance for the other countries interested in emulating their achievements.

Social Development and Public Policy: Some Lessons from Successful Experiences, Dharam Ghai
Human Development Achievements in an Indian State: A Case Study of Kerala, V.K. Ramachandran
Social Development and China's Changing Development Strategy, Carl Riskin
Sri Lanka's Social Achievements and Challenges, Godfrey Gunatilleke
Social Development, State Capacity and Economic Reform: The Experience of Viet Nam, Valentine M. Moghadam
Protecting Social Achievements During Economic Crisis in Cuba, Solon Barraclough
Achieving and Sustaining Social Development with Limited Resources: The Experience of Costa Rica, Carmelo Mesa-Lago
Balancing Targeted and Universal Social Policies: The Chilean Experience, Jaime Ruiz-Tagle

Dharam Ghai was the Director of UNRISD from 1987 to 1997. He is now Advisor to the International Institute of Labour Studies of the International Labour Organization.

Social Development and Public Policy is co-published with Macmillan. Paperback, ISBN 0-33377912-6, 379 pages, 2000, £25. Hardback, ISBN 0-333-73411-4, 379 pages, 2000, £70.