1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Corporate Social Responsibility Project News

13 Mar 2003

Some 50 participants attended the conference “Promoting Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility in the Philippines”, organized on 7 March 2003, by the Social Development Research Center (SDRC), De la Salle University, in collaboration with UNRISD and the MacArthur Foundation.

Researchers presented the preliminary findings of case studies that have been conducted on affiliates of six transnational corporations: Dole Philippines, Nestlé Philippines, Western Mining, Bayer Philippines, Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines and Texas Instruments, Inc. The case studies form part of a broader examination of corporate responsibility and the role and contribution of voluntary initiatives to social and sustainable development being conducted by SDRC, as part of an international research project co-ordinated by UNRISD.

Labour Relations and CSR in China
The UNRISD project co-ordinator, Peter Utting, attended a conference in Beijing on “Labour Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) under Globalization”, organized by Renmin University and the Ford Foundation in November 2002. He also wrote an article about the conference and its relevance to the international debate on CSR, which will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Corporate Citizenship (Vol.10).