1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Call for Conference Participants: NGO Forum

27 Oct 2008

Call for Conference Participants

The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) is organizing an NGO Forum in Geneva, Switzerland on the 12th and 13th January 2009. This forum will take the form of a consultation with NGOs, and has three objectives:
  1. To allow UNRISD to gauge NGO views on key emerging issues that might be addressed by UNRISD in future research, and to better understand the research needs and concerns of NGOs;
  2. To seek advice about how to improve communication with NGOs; and
  3. To present the results of UNRISD research to NGOs stakeholders.

At this forum, UNRISD aims to bring together participants from different types of NGOs, representing a range of development disciplines and regions of the world. Participants should be influential in the NGO sector at a regional or international level. UNRISD welcomes applications from NGOs that actively engage in policy debates beyond the national level, participate in events and publish on international development. The organization’s representative at this forum should have an in-depth knowledge of development issues and debates.

To be considered for participation in this forum, please submit a statement of 500-1000 words, justifying your participation in relation to the above criteria and including up to three suggestions for potential research topics in the broad field of social development and the politics of change. Please also submit the full contact details and CV of the suggested participant, including nationality and date of birth. Please only submit this information if you, or a representative from your organization with in-depth knowledge of development issues and debates, are able to attend this forum. The statement and details of the participant must be sent to Nicola Hypher (hypher@unrisd.org) by 7th November 2008.

It is anticipated that funds will be available to cover the participation of one representative each, from a small number of NGOs. However, due to limited funds, any contribution by your organization would be gratefully received. Please indicate in your statement whether you will be able to contribute to these costs.

UNRISD encourages NGOs from developing countries to apply.