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UNRISD Research Coordinator Gives Inaugural Address at “Policies of Care, Gender and Welfare” Seminar in Buenos Aires

12 Oct 2010

UNRISD Research Coordinator Shahra Razavi will give an inaugural speech at the International Seminar on “Policies of Care, Gender and Welfare” at the Institute of Social and Economical Development in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 14 October at 6.30pm.

Razavi will also participate in the panel session, “The Question of Care in the Future” on 15 October, along with Elizabeth Jelin of the Advisory Group for the UNRISD project on The Political and Social Economy of Care. Jelin is a former UNRISD Board Member.

The seminar will present results of “The Social and Political Economy of Care” project, co-led by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The panels will examine the relations between family, work and care, paid and unpaid care-work, and the public policies and institutions that intervene in the care of children and adolescents.

Participants include Valeria Esquivel, a researcher for the UNRISD Care Project; Eleonor Faur, Liaison Officer for UNFPA in Argentina and Researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies on Social Sciences; and Fernando Filgueira, Social Affairs Officer at United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.