1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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“Visions of Change” - More than 150 artwork submissions

24 Apr 2013

The UNRISD “Visions of Change” call for artwork closed last week with an impressive number of submissions. 69 artists from all five continents have submitted more than 150 photographs, paintings, drawings, sketches, objects, installations and collages representing some key UNRISD topics and themes from past and present.These include gender, sustainable development, migration and corporate social responsibility. The aim of “Visions of Change” was to provide the covers for selected UNRISD publications from the last 50 years which will be re-released as part of the Institute’s 50thanniversary celebrations.

The selection process will take four to six weeks, during which time the selection panel will evaluate every artwork separately and consider its relevance to the themes and topics, and ultimately to the publications they will illustrate. When a final decision has been made, selected artists will be contacted individually by UNRISD and announced on this website.

UNRISD would like to warmly thank all of the artists who have contributed their time, effort and talent to making this Call a success.


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