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Book: Gendered Poverty and Well-Being

1 Jun 2000

The interlinkages between gender and poverty have, until recently, escaped careful analytical scrutiny. The contributors to this edited volume reflect on some of the key methodological and analytical issues that a gendered analysis of poverty needs to address.

The book provides a critical and selective assessment of the attempts to measure gender disadvantage through a wide range of indicators. It considers how reliable these indicators are in identifying gender bias, what these indicators mean in different social contexts, what kinds of contextual information is needed to interpret them and how well they reveal the social processes creating poverty. The book considers, China, Ghana, India, South Korea, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia, as well as case studies from post-Soviet Central Asia.

The conclusion emerging from this collection is that it is impossible to integrate gender into an understanding of poverty unless the reading of evidence and the analysis are grounded on the relational processes of accumulation and impoverishment. These are foundational issues, and have serious implications for public action to reduce/eradicate the different kinds of poverty that men and women experience.

Gendered Poverty and Well-Being: Introduction, Shahra Razavi
Resources, Agency, Achievements: Reflections on the Measurement of Women's Empowerment, Naila Kabeer
The Gender Sensitivity of Well-Being Indicators, Ruhi Saith and Barbara Harriss-White
Poverty in Transition: An Ethnographic Critique of Household Surveys in Post-Soviet Central Asia, Deniz Kandiyoti
Gendering Poverty: A Review of Six World Bank African Poverty Assessments, Ann Whitehead and Matthew Lockwood
Rethinking Gendered Poverty and Work, Cecile Jackson and Richard Palmer-Jones
Female Demographic Disadvantage in India 1981-1991: Sex Selective Abortions and Female Infanticide, S. Sudha and S. Irudaya Rajan
Gender Bias in China, South Korea and India 1920-1990: Effects of War, Famine and Fertility Decline, Monica Das Gupta and Li Shuzhuo
Export-Oriented Employment, Poverty and Gender: Contested Accounts, Shahra Razavi
Engendering Poverty Alleviation: Challenges and Opportunities, Gita Sen

Shahra Razavi is a Project Leader at UNRISD. This text was originally published as special issue of Development and Change.

Gendered Poverty and Well-Being is co-published with Blackwell. Paperback, ISBN 0-631-21793-2, 291 pages, 2000, £14.99.