1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Research Coordinator to speak in the 9th Intergovernmental Council of UNESCO's MOST Programme

24 Sep 2009

  • Author(s): Katja Hujo
  • Press Contacts: Maya Yulistiani Minwary, Richard Warren

UNRISD Research Coordinator, Katja Hujo, will participate in the 9th Intergovernmental Council of UNESCO’s Management of Social Transformation Programme (MOST) at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris from 28 to 30 September 2009.

Hujo’s presentation will focus on the social policy implications and responses to the financial crisis. It will be a part of the conference’s “Inter-regional Forum for Social Development” roundtable discussion.

The UNESCO conference aims “to analyze the social impact of the global economic crisis”, gathering ministers of social development, social science researchers, NGO and private sector representatives from all over the world.