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UN Director Giving Keynote Speech on the New Challenges of Development Research at the Research Council of Norway Conference, March 2008

6 Mar 2008

UNRISD Director, Thandika Mkandawire, is to give a keynote speech entitled ‘Reflections on New Challenges in Development Research’ at the Research Council of Norway’s conference Development Paths in the South. He will be speaking at the fourth session of the conference on 11 March 2008, at 12.05pm, at the Radisson SAS Plaza Hotel in Oslo, Norway.

The conference will consider results from the Research Council’s largest programme on development research to date, meaning that the latest findings from 96 of the projects running under the programme will be presented.

Dr. Mkandawire will speak about three concerns of research on developing countries, namely the issue of development and poverty eradication, the question of democratization and the challenge of social inclusion. His speech aims at giving answers on how to tie together these areas into one coherent research approach.

Thandika Mkandawire will be available for interview either via telephone or in person (Oslo, Norway) between 11.30am and 6.00pm on 10 March. For further information or to schedule an interview, please contact Richard Warren, Julia Gin or Monika Kugemann at UNRISD on +41 (0)22 917 1497.

He will be willing to discuss the issues raised in his speech or his work at UNRISD in general.

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