1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Research Co-ordinator Katja Hujo will attend the ISSA Technical Seminar on the Extension of Social Security Coverage at ILO, on 16th October in Geneva

14 Oct 2008

UNRISD Research Co-ordinator Katja Hujo will be attending the ISSA (International Social Security Association) Seminar on the extension of Social Security Coverage, which will be held at ILO on 16th October. The main objective of the meeting is to gather the views of major international organizations active in the field of social security extension on what role ISSA and its member organizations could and should play in extending social security, in particular in low-income countries.

Approximately, 70 delegates are registered at the seminar, all of them members of the ISSA Bureau. Among the international organizations that will address the meeting are: UNRISD, International Labour Office, World Bank, World Health Organization, OECD and the European Commission.