1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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What is the Role of the EU in Corporate Social Responsibility? – Conference in Brussels

5 Dec 2007

UNRISD Deputy Director, Peter Utting, will be participating in the conference “CSR at the Global Level: What Role for the EU?” on 7 December 2007 in Brussels, Belgium. The event is organized by the European Commission, under the Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities branch, and in cooperation with the Portuguese Presidency.

The European Social and Economic Committee and the European Parliament recently emphasized their recognition of the value of CSR in Europe and the necessity for Europe to assess the impact of CSR and ensure that the practices and policies have a positive effect. CSR has gained momentum with its international dimension and potential for incredible social policy progress through the involvement of the private sector.

The goal of the conference is to contribute to the current debate on CSR principles at the global level, outline the achievements and challenges in promoting sustainable production/consumption and decent work, and discuss how concrete European action in CSR can add value at the global level.

CSR is an integral part of UNRISD research. Under the Markets, Business and Regulation program issues that are addressed include the social effects of the privatization of public services, social and policy responses to ‘corporate globalization,’ and business influence on social policy and development. Within these three aspects, CSR can be considered a method by which to improve public services, corporate responsibility and accountability, and ultimately better development and social policy.