1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Promoting SSE through Public Policies: Guidelines for Local Governments

15 Apr 2021

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  • Title: Promoting SSE through Public Policies: Guidelines for Local Governments
  • Author(S): Juli Hernandez
  • Date: 13 Apr 2021
  • Publication: Ripess
Promoting SSE through Public Policies: Guidelines for Local Governments
UNRISD (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development) and GSEF (Global Social Economy Forum) identified key elements and good practices based on case studies of seven cities, and developed guidelines to policy makers to design, implement and assess public policies that support SSE.

These Guidelines for Local Governments provide responses, explaining the key elements constituting an enabling policy and institutional environment for SSE, and contribute therefore to one of RIPESS’ main goals; to facilitate the co-construction of SSE public policies. They offer a toolbox that can be used in the development of policies and institutions for SSE at the subnational level.

Throughout this document local government officials and SSE actors will find guidance on the topics and public policy considerations that are essential for fostering and enabling a viable and vibrant SSE ecosystem. Considerations such as developing institutional support instruments with SSE actors in a perspective of dialogue and joint development of policies. The legislation and policy on SSE is, in most cases, the outcome of deep work by grassroots and local and national SSE networks.

The guidelines will help to successfully promote SSE and realise its potential in the context of sustainable local development, policy makers and practitioners, providing answers to a number of questions such as: What makes particular policies and programmes effective for SSE? Will these be feasible and adaptable within their various legal, political and socioeconomic contexts?

RIPESS and its continental networks and members are sharing the guidelines with local governments in their exchanges and cooperation activities, and more potential actions to be taken in cooperation with UNRISD and GSEF in regards to these guidelines are being explored.

Like all the other relevant documents related to SSE, these guidelines can be found as well in our RIPESS resource center socieoco.org.

RIPESS is a worldwide network of continental networks promoting the Social Solidarity Economy, in order to transform our economy by putting people and the planet at the center of our activities.

Learn more about the project Promoting SSE through Public Policies: Guidelines for Local Governments.