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Applications Now Being Accepted for INEQ Summer School on Inequality: Mechanisms, Effects and Policies

19 Mar 2007

CRISS (the Inter-University Research Centre on the Welfare State) and the European Research Team of the INEQ project invite applications to a Summer School on Inequality: Mechanisms, Effects and Policies (17-24 June 2007, University of Siena, Italy).

The evolution of inequalities in terms of incomes, economic, social and gender conditions, both within and between countries, is a major concern for scholars and policy makers. Such themes are at the centre of the EU research project on "Inequality: Mechanisms, Effects and Policies" (INEQ) coordinated by CRISS, the Inter-University Research Centre on the Welfare State, linking several Italian universities.

The summer school, organized as one of the activities of the INEQ project, provides a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of inequality by means of lectures, round tables, presentations by participants organized in poster sessions and social events. Lectures are designed to a) investigate the economic and social mechanisms that are producing polarisation and inequality within both European and EU neighbouring countries, b) inquire into the effects that inequality has in societies, and its relationships with economic performance and social integration, c) identify actual and possible policies - at the national, EU and global levels.

The lecturers are distinguished academic and non-academic scholars, including members of the INEQ team. Among them:
  • Sir Anthony Atkinson (Nuffield College, Oxford University)
  • Dr. Nancy Birdsall (President Center for Global Development)
  • Prof. Frank Cowell (London School of Economics)
  • Prof. Giovanni Andrea Cornia (University of Florence)
  • Prof. Oded Galor (Brown University)
  • Prof. Gianni De Fraja (Leicester University)
  • Prof. Francesco Farina (University of Siena and INEQ)
  • Prof. Maurizio Franzini (University of Rome La Sapienza and INEQ)
  • Prof. Massimo Giannini (University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and INEQ)
  • Dr. Eddie Lee (ILO)
  • Prof. Jose Molero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Prof. Pascal Petit (CENR Paris and INEQ)
  • Prof. Mario Pianta (University of Urbino and INEQ)
  • Dr. Stefano Scarpetta (OECD)
  • Dr. Peter Utting (UNRISD and INEQ)
  • Prof. Marco Vivarelli (University of Warwick and INEQ)

Lecturers will be actively involved in discussing others’ presentations. Finally, poster sessions will provide participants with the opportunity to discuss their research with outstanding experts.

The number of participants is limited to 20. Candidates are doctoral, post-doctoral students and young economists who gained their PhD not earlier than 31 December 2003, whose research field is related to the socio-political and economic analysis of inequality.

Admission is conditional on the presentation by each student of his/her research work; therefore applicants normally need to be advanced in their PhD to have produced at least one substantive chapter, but not to have finished their thesis. For those who have completed their PhD programme, the presentation of one or two representative papers and a list of publications is required. Applicants must fill the form (downloadable at www.criss-ineq.org) and submit it by e-mail to massimo.giannini@uniroma2.it joining with the CV and research works, specifying “Siena summer school” in the object field. Women are encouraged to apply.

The application deadline is 27 April 2007. The admitted fellows will be notified immediately via e-mail and asked to confirm their participation within a week. Following confirmation they will be sent detailed logistics and other information.

There is no participation fee. Accommodation and meals are offered at a very low fare by local organizers. Travel expenses will be covered by participants. No grants are available.

Organizing Board
Prof. Francesco Farina – University of Siena and CRISS
Prof. Maurizio Franzini – University of Rome La Sapienza, director CRISS
Prof. Massimo Giannini – University of Rome Tor Vergata and CRISS
Dr. Francesca Marzo – CNR and CRISS
Prof. Mario Pianta – University of Urbino
Dr. Peter Utting – UNRISD

The CRISS-INEQ research consortium is composed of researchers of seven European countries. The research units involved are:
  • CRISS – Centro ricerche interuniversitario sullo stato sociale – linking the universities of Rome “La Sapienza”, Milan “Bocconi”, Siena, Urbino “Carlo Bo” – Italy
  • CEPN - Centre d'Economie de l'Université de Paris Nord, Université Paris Nord – France
  • ICEI - Instituto Complutense de Estudio Internacionales, Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Spain
  • KIEL - Institute for the World Economy, Germany
  • TIGER - Transformation Integration and Globalization Economic Research, Warsaw – Poland
  • UNRISD* - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva – Switzerland
  • CSGR - Centre for the Study of Globalization and Regionalization University of Warwick – UK

Additional information available at www.criss-ineq.org or from Francesca Marzo: francesca.marzo@istc.cnr.it

*An UNRISD project being carried out jointly by two of the Institute’s research programmes - Civil Society and Social Movements, and Markets, Business and Regulation - on Social Responses to Inequalities and Policy Changes forms part of the larger INEQ project.